There is nothing at all wrong with making money from hosting a web site. Nobody forces anyone to visit this site. Simon doesn't run any "come on" ads to entice people here. One has to look for this site to even find it. Even then, anyone is free to peruse the public areas before deciding whether or not to become a registered user. Even a brief look will tell a visitor all they need to know about the tone and tenor of what goes on here. No one of even average intelligence could possibly be deceived about the purpose of this site.
JWN is an absolutely invaluable resource for those who have been affected by the Watchtower Society. Some have suffered greatly at the hands of the Watchtower and its adherents, some not at all, but I think it's safe to say that all have been affected to some degree in one way or another. Sharing our experiences, our ups and downs, and just plain venting to others who can truly understand is a great relief to many of us. Who knows how many mental or emotional breakdowns have been prevented or at least ameliorated by coming here to find a listening ear and a caring heart? How many lifelong friendships have begun right here on the common grounds of shared experience?
My hat's off to Simon and his wife Angharad for making this site available. They probably won't, but I hope they make a mint off it. I'm quite sure no one really knows how much time and attention it takes to keep this site up and running. Not to mention how much money it must take for computers, servers, web access, etc. I don't begrudge them a cent! In fact, sometimes I click on ads I'm not even interested in just because I know Simon gets a little something every time I do. I'm glad Simon hasn't had to implement a membership or subscription fee yet, but if he did, I would gladly contribute. Now don't get any ideas, Simon! That's just a last resort.
Bottom line: You don't have to like the attitudes or opinions expressed here. Feel free to express yourself, as long as you can do so with a modicum of civility and without name-calling or denigrating others just because they don't agree with you. If you can't do that, don't bother to come here. We can get along quite well without you.